The Henry Azar Award for USCAP Abstract in History of Pathology
The History of Pathology Society would like to announce the creation of a new trainee award, named after Dr. Henry Azar, who was the Founder and a charter member of our society. The granting of the award would be based on the submission of an abstract during the United States Canadian Academy of Pathology Meeting. The winner would be asked to make a short, 10-minute, presentation. We consider both residents and fellows eligible.
The subject matter of the abstract and presentation must be pertinent to some aspect of the history of pathology. It could be based on scientific discovery, epidemiology, or discipline of pathology development. We have history of presentations regarding major academic institution development, public health issues and events stretching back into antiquity. Our fascination with the subject matter is related to how modern medicine arrived at its current state. Our mission is to be dedicated to the study of the pathologic sciences and to the people and events who widened the sphere of medical knowledge.
Structured Abstracts should be 2500 characters including spaces or less and include sections on Background, Design, Data sources, Discussion and Conclusion. In a paper with multiple authors, only one author is eligible, and only one paper per lead author may be submitted for this award. The winner will receive a $500.00 monetary. The usual deadline and disclosure constraints of USCAP abstracts apply ( There will be a special “tagline/checkbox” for History of Pathology abstract submission. (Click on image for full flyer.)